
Apple、Google 和 Microsoft 是 PRISM 项目的一部分。他们专有的操作系统不能被信任来保护你的个人信息不被泄露给美国国家安全局 NSA。

这留给我们两个免费替代品: GNU/LinuxBSD

GNU/Linux 有一个更大的社区来帮助你的转换过程。我们建议新手先从适合你的 GNU/Linux 发行版开始。Additionally the Free Software Foundation hosts a list of completely Free distributions.

Debian has a long tradition of software freedom. Contributors have to sign a social contract and adhere to the ethical manifesto. Strict inclusion guidelines make sure that only certified open source software gets packaged in the main repositories.

Fedora is a community edition that serve as the stable basis for enterprise ready GNU/Linux distributions with commercial support. Companies all over the world trust Red Hat Inc. because of their transparency throughout the whole development process.

Canonical’s Ubuntu 并不推荐,因为其默认配置存在亚马逊广告和数据泄漏漏洞如果你已经用上了 Ubuntu,你可以从 Fix Ubuntu 网站获得亡羊补牢的建议措施。
